- US Charitable, educational, scientific or literary organizations
- Contacts
- Distribution
- How FinderFriend‚Ñ¢ was Created
- About Praestare Corporation
(changes are in italic)
What FinderFriend‚Ñ¢ Does
FinderFriend‚Ñ¢ remembers how each user likes to use a Mac. When a user returns to that Mac, FinderFriend‚Ñ¢ puts everything back the way that user had the computer. FinderFriend‚Ñ¢ makes your Macintosh better.
Personalize the Mac for each user. It remembers how you like stuff. Like those luxurary cars that put the mirrors and seats back after someone else drives your car. FinderFriend‚Ñ¢ puts the game controls, preferences, tool bars and just about everything else right back the way you had it.
So go ahead let your brother play games, his crazy keyboard configuration will not mess up your game. Let your significant other use your word processor, you won't have to figure out their toolbars. Let your lab partner touch the keyboard. Don't worry it all goes back just the way you had it.
If more than one person ever touches the same Macintosh, you should start using FinderFriend‚Ñ¢ now.
FinderFriend‚Ñ¢ is great for anyone who ever lets anyone else use their computer.
Very useful for people with Duo Dock machines.
- Unlimited number of users. Each with their own custom setup on the same machine.
- Makes multiuser situations managable. (Homes, labs, schools and businesses)
- Balloon Help is available.
- FinderFriend‚Ñ¢ is very small. It will not take up much disk space.
- FinderFriend‚Ñ¢ runs on a very small amount of memory.
- You can try it for free.
- FinderFriend‚Ñ¢ is robust and well tested.
- Runs on Power Macs in native mode and works on 68k Macs.
- No conflicting extensions to install.
Standard Apple Script installation that comes with all recent Mac OS.
If you use FinderFriend‚Ñ¢ you must register it. You can register FinderFriend‚Ñ¢ with the Register program that is bundled with FinderFriend‚Ñ¢. Registering is quick and painless and you get the following additional benefits:
•Free email notification of new versions.
•2 FREE updates! (no chance of being out of date or obsolete)
•A Clear conscience.
•Input on future versions.
•The Registration screen will not appear at start up.
Register now, it's worth it.
If for some insane reason you choose not to register, FinderFriend‚Ñ¢ may lose some of its functionality over time. In other words, certain features may randomly become unavailable. To return FinderFriend‚Ñ¢ to its former glory, all you need to do is register it.
How to Use FinderFriend‚Ñ¢
(a quick start guide. Use balloon help for more details)
1 Open the Personalizer window (windows menu).
2 Push the add button.
3 Enter your name.
4 After your profile has been created try switching back and forth by selecting a different name and pushing the switch button. (notice: all other applications are quit when you switch)
5 Between switchings try changing preferences in other applications (try internet, game, and word processing software) and window and views in the finder.
6 Let other people create their own user profiles.
7 If someone will not use your computer ever again you can delete their profile by selecting their name and pushing the delete button.
8 To rename a user switch (make active) to the user you want to change. Create a user with the new name, new user profiles are based on the currently active user. Delete the old user.
8 If all you need to do is switch, try using the smaller and simpler Switch window.
9 Register FinderFriend‚Ñ¢ with the separate Register Program.
New Feature with 1.1 you can now rebuild the Desktop by using the rebuild desktop window.
Possible Uses (serving suggestions)
- For user labs
Have a user named "Master" that is just the way you want it. At the start of each day create a new user named after that day of the week. For example "Monday." Then switch to the day named user. Quit FinderFriend‚Ñ¢. The next day repeat, and delete yesterdays user. If this method the computer hase consisten preferences and look for all the users everyday.
- For installing new OS
Before you install or reinstall an operating system create and switch to a new temporary user. Then after you get done installing the OS delete the temporary user. Everybodies preferences will still be availble with no further tweaking on your part.
New Features and Improvements
New window - you may now use FinderFriend‚Ñ¢ to rebuild the desktop. Use the Desktop Deleter window to schedule rebuilds on a regular basis. Note: this will not preserve info in the comments section of the get info.
The Apple Menu is now changed with each user.
USA Charitable, educational, scientific or literary organizations
If you are associated with such an organization that uses Macs in the USA, please write to nonprofit@praestare.com and request that a global license be donated to your organization.
For suggestions, reports, praise, complaints, questions-
Use the Register Program then send the results to:
442-A Walnut Street #392-3R0
Berbeley, California 94709-1405
fax 1 510 652 6589
Anyone may redistribute this complete unregistered product. To be complete it must include all the original material as it was released from Praestare Corporation including this Read me and the Register program. You are welcome to include the complete unregistered package in any collection, shareware CD, with a magazine, on a BBS, through an online service or anywhere else you would like. You may even charge for it, but Praestare Corporation retains all rights. Of course we would appreciate getting a free copy of the collection or magazine. At least keep us informed of where you put FinderFriend‚Ñ¢, so that we can keep track of it. If you contact us first we can make sure you have the most recent version. For details see the license agreement.
How FinderFriend‚Ñ¢ was Created
Lots of hard work.
The application interface was created with FaceSpan by Digital Technologies, International.
Applescript was used extensively.
The scripting addition "Jon's Commands" was licensed from Jon Pugh.
About Praestare Corporation
Praestare Corporation is owned and run entirely by Lars Bell and Anders Bell.
IMPORTANT READ CAREFULLY: This Agreement is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single entity) and Praestare Corporation for FinderFriend‚Ñ¢, which includes "online" or electronic documentation and computer software and associated media. By installing, copying, or otherwise using FinderFriend‚Ñ¢, you agree to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, you are not authorized to use FinderFriend‚Ñ¢. FinderFriend‚Ñ¢ is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. FinderFriend‚Ñ¢ is licensed, not sold.
This Agreement grants you the following rights:
For Single User Registrations only-
• Installation and Use. You may install and use copies of FinderFriend™ on a single computer.
• Backup copy. You may make one copy of FinderFriend™ solely for backup or archival purposes.
For Site Registrations only-
• Installation and Use. You may install and use copies of FinderFriend™ on all computers at a single location. A single location is defined here as having a radius of 0.5 km.
• Backup copy. You may make copies of FinderFriend™ solely for backup or archival purposes.
For Global Registrations only-
• Installation and Use. You may install and use copies of FinderFriend™ on any computer owned and operated by the registering organization.
• Backup copy. You may make copies of FinderFriend™ solely for backup or archival purposes.
Everyone may copy and distribute unregistered and complete versions of FinderFriend‚Ñ¢. Nobody can use FinderFriend‚Ñ¢ without registering.
• Limitations on Reverse Engineering, Decompilation, and Disassembly. You may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble FinderFriend™, except and only to the extent that such activity is expressly permitted by applicable law notwithstanding this limitation.
• Copyright Notices. You must maintain all copyright notices on all copies of FinderFriend™ and all documents.
• Termination. Without prejudice to any other rights, Praestare Corporation may terminate this Agreement if you fail to comply with the terms and conditions of this Agreement. In such event, you must destroy all copies of FinderFriend™ and all of its component parts.
All title and copyrights in and to FinderFriend‚Ñ¢ and any copies thereof are owned by Praestare Corporation.
4. U.S. GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS. FinderFriend‚Ñ¢ and documentation are provided with RESTRICTED RIGHTS. Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS 252.227-7013 or subparagraphs (c)(1) and (2) of the Commercial Computer Software Restricted Rights at 48 CFR 52.227-19, as applicable. Manufacturer is Praestare Corporation at ff@praestare.com.
You agree that you will not export or re-export FinderFriend‚Ñ¢ to any country, person, entity or end user subject to U.S.A. export restrictions. Restricted countries currently include, but are not necessarily limited to Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Sudan, and Syria. You warrant and represent that neither the U.S.A. Bureau of Export Administration nor any other federal agency has suspended, revoked or denied your export privileges.
Praestare Corporation expressly disclaims any warranty for FinderFriend‚Ñ¢. FinderFriend‚Ñ¢ and any related documentation is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including, without limitation, the implied warranties or merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or noninfringement. The entire risk arising out of use or performance of FinderFriend‚Ñ¢ remains with you. NO LIABILITY FOR DAMAGES. In no event shall Praestare Corportion be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business profits, business interruption, loss of business information, or any other pecuniary loss) arising out of the use of or inability to use this product, even if Praestare Corporation has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Because some states/jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you.
FinderFriend‚Ñ¢ and the Praestare Logo are trademarks of Praestare Corporation. Apple, the Apple logo, Mac OS, Macintosh, and Power Macintosh, are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. FaceSpan(tm) is a registered trademark of Digital Technologies, International. All other brand names and companies mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders and are hereby acknowledged.